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Read Back to Basics in Physiology : Electrolytes and Non-Electrolyte Solutes in the Body EPUB, DOC, PDF


Back to Basics In Physiology, Back to Basics In Physiology: Electrolytes and Non-electrolyte Solutes in the Body exploits the gap that exists in current physiology books. Instead of tackling one particular organ system at a time, the authors tackle specific problems and then evaluate their repercussions on the systemic physiology. With the exploding amount of basic science information that is available today to physiology students (undergraduate, nursing, physician associate or medical), there is more and more of a disconnect between the basic sciences and the clinical sciences. These books will provide a bridge that allows students to understand basic science and its direct translation to the clinical setting, with the final aim of comprehending the basic science that is behind the clinical observations. Providing solid background knowledge of the basics will allow students to understand the signs and symptoms behind clinical scenarios rather than just memorizing them. The books will allow students to gain sufficient background knowledge of physiology and its direct application to clinical skills because they are being written as lectures, in day-to-day language that is easy to comprehend. As with the first book, the new books will be interspersed with clinical correlates and key facts because the authors believe that highlighting the direct patient care application of a particular issue leads to improved understanding and retention. For example, if they are explaining the intricacies of membrane potential (abstract), they can directly link this to arrhythmias, EKGs, and patient scenarios in a clinical correlate. These correlates are followed by clinical vignettes that reinforce the topics addressed in each chapter. This original six chapter book will briefly review and integrate the basic concepts behind the function of electrolytes in the body. This fills a knowledge gap that most medical and undergraduate physiology students acquire when these topics are studied. Exploits the gap that exists in current physiology books, tackling specific problems and evaluating their repercussions on systemic physiology Provides a bridge for the basic understanding of science and its direct translation to the clinical setting Interspersed with clinical correlates and key facts, highlighting direct patient care issues to help improve understanding and retention Ideal physiology reference for physiology students, including graduate and undergraduate students, nursing students, physician associate students, and medical students, The purpose in continuing this series of books is to exploit the gap that exists in current physiology books. Instead of tackling a particular organ system at a time, the authors will tackle specific problems and then evaluate their repercussions on the systemic physiology. With the exploding amount of basic science information that is available today to physiology students (undergraduate, nursing, physician associate or medical), there is more and more of a disconnect between the basic sciences and the clinical sciences. These books will provide a bridge that allows students to understand basic science and its direct translation to the clinical setting, with the final aim of comprehending the basic science that is behind the clinical observations. Providing solid background knowledge of the basics will allow students to understand the signs and symptoms behind clinical scenarios rather than just memorizing them. The books will allow students to gain sufficient background knowledge of physiology and its direct application to clinical skills because they are being written as lectures, in day-to-day language that is easy to comprehend. As with the first book, the new books will be interspersed with clinical correlates and key facts because the authors believe that highlighting the direct patient care application of a particular issue leads to improved understanding and retention. For example, if they are explaining the intricacies of membrane potential (abstract), they can directly link this to arrhythmias, EKGs and patient scenarios in a clinical correlate. These correlates are followed by clinical vignettes that reinforce the topics addressed in each chapter. This original six chapter book will briefly review and integrate the basic concepts behind the function of electrolytes in the body. This fills a knowledge gap that most medical and undergraduate physiology students acquire when these topics are studied separately. As of now, there is no textbook that fully integrates electrolyte physiology across body systems in a clear, concise, and understandable manner. The authors aim to produce an easy-to-read, step by step explanation of how electrolytes play an extremely important role in day to day physiology and why particular derangements are associated to diverse clinical syndromes. The book is intended primarily for medical students and undergraduate physiology students. Exploits the gap that exists in current physiology books, tackling specific problems and evaluating their repercussions on systemic physiology Provides a bridge for the basic understanding of science and its direct translation to the clinical setting Interspersed with clinical correlates and key facts, highlighting direct patient care issues to help improve understanding and retention Ideal physiology reference for physiology students, including graduate and undergraduate students, nursing students, physician associate students, and medical students

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